Monday, March 10, 2008


Hello Students.

My apologies for being out sick today.  I had absolutely no intention of coming down with whatever bug that has hit me, but such is the unfortunate case.  I have been struck with a severe lack of energy and extreme weakness; some congestion as well.  I was feeling a little under the weather yesterday but I thought the blast of vitamins and herbs would have me well by morning; such was not the case.

I hear that your sub was useless.  I apologize for that as well.  You should have been instructed to work on a vocabulary lesson out of the blue books and study your grammar in groups for a retest tomorrow and Wednesday.  We have CAHSEE testing so tomorrow and Wednesday are block schedule.  They will use my room for testing so my morning classes (1-4) will be meeting at another location.  Check my door or ask a teacher for the room assignments.

The grammar tests from Friday were... abominable to say the least so I will give you a simpler test in class this week.  Expect to have vocabulary tests as well on any and all words we've covered so far.  These tests will always be cumulative so continue to study everything you've learned.  Word of the Day words will be included.

Period 5:  Your Old Man and the Sea essays were... well... not so hot.  So, we will have a writing workshop and a revision will be due next week.  I have graded them harshly, as I always do, but scaled them for the grade book.  So, the grade you see will be lower than the one you've received.  I'm doing this for your benefit.  The rewrite will not be scaled.  And, if you're one of the dozen or so students who hasn't written this essay... get started!  Your lack of work ethic is unacceptable!

Period 2:  Your "The Most Dangerous Game" essays were in the same boat as period 5's.  We will also have a writing workshop and a revision will be due next week.  I applied the same grading method as above so refer to that when considering your score.  Also, please be prepared to pass in your compare/contrast essay when you see me on Wednesday.

Questions?  Comments?  Send me an e-mail or post a comment here.  

Oh, and you should be reading, reading, reading!  

1 comment:

brandon said...

where is the link for the extra credit
