Saturday, August 2, 2008

Pick up a copy of The Perks of Being a Wallflower!

Pick up your own copy of The Perks of Being a Wallflower in order to have access to the book outside of class.  You can find it at the library, a local bookstore, or online.  There are even reduced price, used copies available!  

Four Weeks Down, Two More to Go!

Summer Students!  While we're almost at the finish line, we're not there yet.  Don't give up!  You can still prove you've mastered the standards and get your grade up enough to pass this class!  Keep working and keep making up those missing assignments!

A few of you have created blogs for this class.  I applaud you!  Excellent work!  I hope you keep blogging and act on the suggestions I've made for you.  For those of you who haven't started blogging for this class, it's not too late!  You, too, can become a blogger and earn your extra credit points!  

Some blogging suggestions:

Why not start a blog to inform your friends and family about what they can do to help cool the earth?  You can include things you've learned in class, add your essays and other writings, as well as post links to other sites with cool information.

Why not start a blog about what you've been reading outside of class?  You can copy and paste the book covers from Amazon or Barnes N Noble and tell us all about your reading experiences.

Why not start a blog of your Commonplace Book?  You could post all of your entries online and add cool pictures and graphics.  What a way to publish your work and share your writing with friends and family!  (Just be sure you are comfortable with everything you post being visible to the world!)

Why not start a blog of your thoughts about the book we are about to start, The Perks of Being a Wallflower?  You could write daily letters to Charlie and get super bonus points!

These are just some ideas.  I'm sure you'll have plenty of ideas of your own as well!